About Us

Hi, if you have reached this page, it means you have already gone through the content on this website. After reading some of the content, please do not forget or hesitate to support us if you like us. In the meanwhile, let us tell you our story so that you know some deets about us!


Trickkas was started to keep just one thing in mind: “Help people digitally!” In the process of providing technical help and guidance, we have learned a lot by ourselves. All thank goes to the fellow readers of our website.

What we do?

Trickkas provides Android, Windows, Linux, iOS, helping guides, reviews, tutorials to make the best out of your digital life. We also review various products and software from time to time so that you get the best despite the marketing and publicity by the company.

Android & Windows Help

Are you having troubles with your Android smartphone, Windows computer, or Mac? If yes, then we are here to provide you the solution you need. We post help and other tips so that you can troubleshoot the issue by yourself. However, if you’re stuck somewhere, do not hesitate to contact us. We will try our best to provide you the solution you need.


There are a lot of options for everything. You would get multiple options even if you want to buy a water bottle. We understand the pain people go through while purchasing any software or a gadget and finding it unreliable after the purchase. Well, do not worry now; Trickkas is here to provide the best reviews for gadgets, software, and other digital services. Please note these reviews are independent without any partiality to a specific brand or company.

Are there any charges for this?

No, you won’t have to pay for anything. You are free to use the website and access all the content for free. But you may see some ads on our website. However, if you require personal virtual assistance, you could hire our team for some freelancing work. Please specify your requirement to the Trickkas team by filling up the contact form.

Why are there ads on our website?

Well, the answer is simple, we need funds to keep this website alive. To be honest, after putting our time and money into this website, we expect to earn something in return to fund for the future, food and buy new games. That’s why we have to show ads on the website. If you are fed up with ads, you can choose to use the AdBlocker on your browser. That would remove the ads, but that would not be good for us. If you want to support us without seeing the ads, you can donate some amount, and both sides will be happy. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with Trickkas by visiting the page.

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