Fingers pointed at keyboard to improve typing speed

How To Type Faster – 5 Effective Ways

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How to type faster / How to improve typing speed

Have you asked yourself this question, “How to Type Faster?”. Hello there! In this post, we will talk about few ways by which you can quickly improve typing speed in lesser time. If you want to type faster, then keep one thing in mind, “there is no hidden trick or secret to type faster in any language.”

You might have heard about one of the best saying, which is: “practice makes a man perfect.” Well, this is the only trick by which you can improve your typing speed. Still, you might not be satisfied with your typing speed no matter how much you practice. You might ask yourself, “How to type faster? Or How to improve typing speed?”.

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If this situation relates to your current position, you need to change a bit in learning typing. The practice part will remain constant. It would help if you worked on a few technicalities. There are the following ways to improve your typing speed while staying at home:

1. Get best seating position:

Suppose you want to work on a project that requires you to stay with your computer/laptop for hours and have a deadline to complete it. The deadline is undoubtedly not far away. Your typing speed and working ability are affected by your body position. That is the first thing you should do before getting into any typing work or any other work on your computer. You must be comfortable while working on your computer. Make sure you’re comfortable enough to improve your typing speed and other working skills. You can get a seating position by following these things:

Fix your posture

  • You need to have a straight back on a flat surface. It means to keep your body in a straight position and make sure your wrist is at the same level as the keyboard. That helps fingers to reach the keys efficiently.
  • Also, you should keep your head at around 40-70 cm from the computer screen.
  • It would be best if you tilted your head down a bit to look at the computer screen. You can easily set up your posture to improve typing speed by adjusting your seating position.

Note: After starting with a straight and perfect position, do not ever disrupt your posture until you complete your work. If you give your body a relax, it will directly decrease your working potential by laziness. It would be best if you focused on your work at that time. This process might take a couple of days, and you will adopt the new posture.

2. Know your keyboard:

To type faster, you should be comfortable with your keyboard. Your fingers must be in an excellent position to reach every key in no time. Most of the keyboards follow the QWERTY layout. Hence, if you practice at your computer, you won’t have any problem working with another computer. Make yourself comfortable with your keyboard layout and try to memorize the position of each key.


3. Hand Position:

Hand position also affects your typing speed. If you want to give yourself a typing boost, learn to keep your hand in the perfect place. Keep your left-hand fingers on “A, S, D, F” and right-hand fingers on “J, K, L,” and keep your thumbs on the space bar. That is the best hand position recommended for all typing work on the keyboard. Make your hands familiar with their right spot on the keyboard, and you will see improved typing speed in no time.

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4. Improve Typing Speed with Practice:

Practice, Practice, and Practice! That is the word that you need to set up in your mind if you want to type faster. There is a lot of ways to practice your typing speed. If you already know about the first three steps (mentioned above), you need to only work on your practice. You can practice typing speed by following methods:

  1. Start slowly and practice a row at a time.
  2. Close your eyes and type any random letter: Open your eyes to see if you have typed correctly. “Repeat the same procedure for all keys of your keyboard.”
  3. Let the hands see for you: Do not ever see your hands while typing anything. Your eyes must be focused on your computer screen only.
  4. Play typing games: You can practice and improve typing speed by playing some typing games. There are a lot of such games available on the internet.
  5. Transcribe audio and video: This is one of the best ways to type faster than ever. You can listen to your favorite music at the same time. Listen to the music or any audio file and type every word of the music being played. It will not only improve your typing speed but also makes you proficient in Transcription.
  6. Monitor Progress: Whenever you have completed any typing work or typing test, or other activity, including typing, constantly monitor your progress. That will influence you to work harder and type faster.
  7. Never Give Up: No matter your current typing speed, even if it is less than 10 WPM, never give up. If you don’t see any progress in few days, it means you need to work harder. Giving up should not be an option in your life.

5. Be the Best You:

You can find several typing tests online, or you can find several typing helps, or you can find several ways of faster typing. But, all of those will be a waste if you do not work on yourself. I will not suggest you follow every point in this post. I will recommend you first test yourself to see where do you lack? Now, after knowing the weak point, go for it. If you are not comfortable in maintaining your hands on specific vital positions, then don’t. Try to follow the above points but if you are not satisfied, then forget about that point. Make yourself comfortable first, and then you will see that you have already improved your typing speed.

Those were some of the best ways to learn how to type faster in less time. If you have any other ideas, share those with us, and we will post those to help other readers. Although, there is not any speed limit set for typing. But, having a speed of 40-50 WPM (words per minute) is good enough.



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