samsung galaxy fold, samsung foldable smartphone

Samsung Galaxy Fold – Why Shouldn’t You Go For It?

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When we talk about smartphone technology, Android and iPhone are the words that come to everyone’s mind. With new development in technology, foldable smartphones (e.g., Samsung Galaxy Fold) are not far away from our reach.

We all know about iPhone and its sole manufacturer Apple which obviously led it away for years. In the case of Android, there are several manufacturers and several smartphones launches every week make Android the most popular smartphone OS among users.

samsung galaxy fold, samsung foldable smartphone,

There are several reasons that Android dominate more than 82% of smartphone industry in the world. Samsung is one of the largest manufacturer of Android smartphone. Samsung has launched many smartphone model in past few years and is always challenging other smartphone manufacturers and iPhone (we can see in ads). But, sometimes it’s better to wait for a while before we put ourselves in this competition of having best smartphone. In this post we will discuss about few points about Samsung Galaxy Fold and what should you keep in mind before buying it.

Important Things To Remember Before Buying A Smartphone

Software & Apps Support

The foldable smartphones are new to its kind and obviously new in the market and developers need time to make their apps supportive for this distinct screen design. Well, you might have used a number of apps and games from play store. But, can you confidently talk about single app that will fully support a folding display like in Samsung Galaxy Fold or Huawei Mate X etc.

Although, Google has said that Android will natively support foldable smartphones and Android Q is also working to bring the support in Foldable phones. Still, the developer need to take care of the capability of apps on Foldable phones and their behaviour to operate of dual display multitasking. Samsung Galaxy Fold and other foldable smartphone may give you best multitasking experience for bigger screen but you already have tablets and flagship phone for that.

Samsung Galaxy Fold – Design Issue

If you are reading this post then you might have already watched promos for Samsung Galaxy Fold and you might have already seen its design. In Samsung smartphone, the screen will fold inwards whereas in Huawei’s Mate X it will fold outwards. In Mate X, you might not notice the hinges but it will make your display prone to scratches and damage.

We can notice lack of definitive design in the foldable smartphone. In Samsung Galaxy Fold, it seems like two phone are stacked together. This design looks bulky and heavier than normal smartphones and tablets. In past years, we have seen how manufacturers are trying to make their smartphone more slim and slick. We have even missed our favourite 3.5 mm jack in most of the smartphone. In such case, this is way too difficult for users to keep bulkier smartphone instead of sleek and comfortable phones out there.

Pricing – Obviously High

Did you think that you will get new smartphone design technology in cheap price? Did you even think it will cost around your current Android smartphone. Well in that case, you might be disappoint to know about price tag of current foldable smartphones. Samsung Galaxy Fold will cost you whopping $1,980, Huawei Mate X will cost you $2,600 and Flex Pai will cost around $1,588.

The price of these foldable smartphone is obviously high. And even if you are paying higher price then what are you getting in return, just two smartphone stacked together? If you really need two smartphone then you can easily buy a tablet for around $700 and a flagship phone in $1,000. Although, you are getting more benefits in foldable smartphones than keeping two phone together. But still, spending $2,000 on a device having the technology which is just new to the market. Even if you have made up your mind to spend that money and get foldable smartphone, we suggest you to wait for sometimes and see the technology reviews and performance.


Now, that’s the thing nowadays everyone seems concerned about. Suppose, you have just spent $2,000 on a device which doesn’t even last for a week or month. How will you react to it? Well, same issue is happening with Samsung Galaxy Fold. As reported from different users, Samsung Galaxy Fold’s display has already started cracking. Users have reported screen break and bulging display near the hinges in Samsung’s Foldable Smartphone.

Is it durable now? Obviously no! The technology need more development or may be this happen with some devices only. But, who know the other device will start having issue in maximum of one month. The smartphone is not a show-piece which is bought and kept at one place with care. It’s a daily use device and we see our phone hundreds time in a day. Again, we suggest you to wait for few months before making decision about Samsung Galaxy Fold.

Is it really good to buy foldable smartphone in 2019?

Well, we will reply with a no to this question. Foldable smartphone carries a nascent technology which needs more time in terms of design, performance and durability. We don’t want to kill your wish of having first hand on foldable smartphone but still we can’t suggest you to go for this and spend a huge amount. C’mon buddies, you can even get 2 best smartphone or 1 better laptop in that price.

We suggest you to wait for few months or even a year before spending on Samsung Galaxy Fold or other Foldable smartphone in 2019. These are just first generation of the new technology, it is wise to wait for second or third generation.

However, that was all about your guide for foldable smartphone in 2019 and especially about Samsung Galaxy Fold and its issue which people have faced so far. Please share the post with your friends and don’t forget to share your views about the foldable smartphone and their life span.



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